International Voluntary Services (1953–2002) by Gary Alex A Legacy Of America’s Global Volunteerism explores the history of international volunteerism through the story of International Voluntary Services, Inc. (IVS), an American 501(c)3 private voluntary organization founded in 1953 to provide volunteers for international relief and development programs. Paul Rodell (Peace Corps/Philippines 1968–71)) and 12 former IVS volunteers and academics, experienced in international volunteerism, tell the history of IVS as an organization, share insights on international service, and analyze lessons for future volunteer programs. Formed in a time of global uncertainty and change, this public/private initiative provided volunteers for 1,419 assignments in 39 countries over its 50-year existence. The foreword by Ambassador Wendy J. Chamberlin, a former IVS volunteer in Laos, reflects the appreciation most alumni have had for their opportunity to serve. Voices of individual volunteers give field-level insights on volunteer program programs and issues. The book is relevant for those . . .
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Some plan, others, stumbling, drift along with tides. My old poet and philosopher pal Lawrence Fixel with a wry look…