“Peace Corps service needed more than ever” by John Bidwell (Mali)
Thanks for the ‘heads up’ from Rowland Scherman (PC Staff 1961-63) By John Bidwell (Mali 1989-91) Daily Hampshire Gazette 9/24/2021 This month the Peace Corps turns 60. President Kennedy signed the legislation that created the Peace Corps in September 1961, deepening through action, our key national values of service, sacrifice, dedication, and learning from those we serve. The Peace Corps goals are to serve others in interested countries, bring a better understanding of our country to others, and bring a better understanding of others home. My wife, Kris Holloway, and I are proud to have served, joining more than 240,000 nationwide over the past six decades. I entered to bring my skills and commitment to others (and see the world, after growing up in a very small New Hampshire town). I departed enriched and grateful. My life was forever changed for the better. Kris and I worked . . .
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Thank you, John Bidwell. My bookshelves are crammed with Peace Corps memoirs -- but Kris Holloway's "Monique and the Mango…