The PCVs’ Descriptions of Service (DOS) document achievements of the First Goal
The Description of Service or DOS was originally designed as the Personnel record for each individual Peace Corp Volunteer’s service. It was used to verify service for employment and university applications as well as other needs for documentation of service. Initially, in early days, all terminating Volunteers in a specific group, received the same general description of program activities. However, at a certain time, which I have not yet been able to determine, the DOS became a V0lunteer’s own record of his or her First Goal program activities. It was written by the Volunteer and countersigned by the Country Director. The Office of Freedom Information Act reports there are over 190,000 DOS electronically catalogued and are available to the Volunteer and anyone else. For more information DOS policy, visit: The detail now required proves how historically valuable these documents are. Here are the instructions for preparing such a detailed . . .
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I never came across the DOS document until hearing about it from you. Thank you. Edward Mycue