An Invitation from Roland Merullo (Micronesia)
Dear Friends and Readers, Many people are doing something to ease the strain of the corona virus quarantine, so my friend and publisher, Peter Sarno, and I came up with the idea to offer a serialized novel. There is no charge for it. Peter and I aren’t collecting names or information in any way. It is meant simply as entertainment in bleak times. Like most authors, I have several books that, for one reason or another, have never seen the light of day. Bring Me a Higher Love is one of them. From time to time over the years since I composed it, I’ve gone back and read through it again and made changes, but it has basically been floating around in the clouds as in an e-copy, and sitting in a drawer in my office in a hard copy. For a long time, I’ve been fascinated by the relationship between sex . . .
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Mike Cotter
5/3/20 In a time like no other thank you Roland and Peter for yet another gift! We so appreciate the…