Federal Register has information on Survey of RPCVs by Peace Corps
Thanks for the ‘heads up’ from Joanne Roll (Colombia 1963-65) The Peace Corps has posted the following notice in the Federal Register to gather public comment on a proposed survey designed to capture information from RPCVs about their post service life, including health status. Directions on how to post your comment is included in the annoucement. We will try and get a copy of the proposed online survey. Here is the notice: “SUMMARY: The Peace Corps will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (0MB) for review and approval. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment in the Federal Register preceding submission to 0MB. We are conducting this process in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. DATES: Submit comments on or before September 9, 2019. ADDRESSES: Comments should be addressed to Virginia . . .
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Further Update: Virgina Burke is the FOIA Officer and when asked about obtaining the survey as well as privacy guidelines,…