Archive - June 12, 2019

Here’s an Idea for The Peace Corps: How online learning is reshaping higher education. How can we help HCNs?

Here’s an Idea for The Peace Corps: How online learning is reshaping higher education. How can we help HCNs?

This is an article published on the 11th of June in The Bond Buyer that outlines what is happening in higher education today in the U.S. Let me ask (to keep the Peace Corps relevant) What if the Peace Corps developed, with one or more universities, Peace Corps Programs where PCVs would go into the developing world and working with universities back here at home–as we once did with Training in the early 60s–but this time have academic programs for Host Country National students so that they could obtain college degrees via computers (provided by the Peace Corps) and never have to leave their villages or travel to the U.S.. Think about that and remember your experiences as a PCV overseas. Using new technology and PCVs on site, we could educate people across the world, not just those who had family money, from countries like China, to come to America. It . . .

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