“Somali Moon” by Jeanne D’Haem (Somalia)
Jeanne D’Haem will be one of the five published writers to lead panel discussions at the September RPCV Writing Workshop in Maryland. Read her Peace Corps essay below. — John Coyne • Somali Moon By Jeanne D’Haem (Somalia 1968-70) There was a night, fifty years ago, when people all over the world watched the sky. They were not concerned with yet another tragedy of war or weather. No one had blown up the world trade center or machine gunned hundreds of people at a park. On one special night in August 1969, they were watching the moon with wonder. Any baby boomer you know can tell you exactly what they were doing on August 20, 1969. Most will report they were watching the TV. Riveted by a black and white, 15 inch screen. There was plenty of parking in New York City and Grand Rapids; everyone . . .
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Ahmed Mohamed
I wasn't born then, but my dad who was a principal of a school Americans taught, Odweyne, told me about…