Trump In Real Trouble Now! Mueller Hires RPCV Lawyer (Benin)
Thanks to the ‘heads up’ from Bob Arias (Colombia 1964-66): Exclusive: Former Justice Department official joins Mueller team Karen Freifeld NEW YORK (Reuters) – A former U.S. Justice Department official has become the latest lawyer to join special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, a spokesman for the team confirmed. Greg Andres started on Tuesday, becoming the 16th lawyer on the team, said Josh Stueve, a spokesman for the special counsel. Most recently a white-collar criminal defense lawyer with New York law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell, Andres, 50, served at the Justice Department from 2010 to 2012. He was deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division, where he oversaw the fraud unit and managed the program that targeted illegal foreign bribery. Mueller, who was appointed special counsel in May, is looking into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and . . .
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Leo, I could not find the salary of any of the lawyers with Mueller. I did find a statement that…