Archive - November 11, 2015

New books by Peace Corps writers — October 2015
Jon Anderson (Gabon 1974-77) Two ‘Flash’ Stories

New books by Peace Corps writers — October 2015

To purchase any of these books from, click on the book cover, the bold book title, or the publishing format you would like — and Peace Corps Worldwide, an Amazon Associate, will receive a small remittance that will help support the site and the annual Peace Corps Writers awards. • Sierra Leone: Inside the War (History and Narratives) by James Higbie (Sierra Leone 1969–73) and Bernard S. Moigula Underdown October 2014 454 pages $9.99 (Kindle) • Mata Naveena (novel) by Will Michelet [Richard Michelet Grimsrud, Jr.] (India 1965–67) Peace Corps Writers September 2015 310 pages $12.00 (paperback) •

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Jon Anderson (Gabon 1974-77) Two ‘Flash’ Stories

Jon Anderson is a liberation ecologist intent on empowering the impoverished through expanding their bundle of rights over resources; making markets work better for the poor; and linking to technical solutions and problem-solving. He was a Peace Corps Volunteer in school construction in Gabon (1974 – 77) and was a rural animation volunteer in Mali in 1977.  He served with USAID, USDA, FAO, the MCC (Resident Country Director for Mali) and with the private sector in the US and Africa. He has taught at both Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. One of his favorite biological processes is fermentation.  This process helps him write. Almost Perfect By Jon Anderson As soon as he awoke and went downstairs, he saw a young, grubby kid at the door.  Here, kids replaced telephones – they seemed to be the most frequent means of . . .

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