Archive - April 24, 2015

Warren Weinstein Remembered
Warren Weinstein Peace Corps CD
Mark Brazaitis (Guatemala 1990-93) Interviewed in Poets & Writers

Warren Weinstein Remembered

The New York Times reported on the death of Warren Weinsten. To read the article, Here is the link: From the NYTimes article: “A Fulbright scholar who earned his Ph.D. in international law and economics, Mr. Weinstein was proficient in seven languages. He served as a Peace Corps director in Ivory Coast and Togo. From 2004 until he was captured in 2011, he worked as an adviser for J.E. Austin Associates, a contractor for the United States Agency for International Development.” It was not reported which years Weinstein served as Country Director in Togo and the Ivory Coast. The Washington Post also reported on the  tragic death of Warren Weinstein.Here is the link to read that article: From the Post article: According to colleagues familiar with a 40-year career that spanned numerous continents and multiple conflicts, Weinstein cast a far longer shadow than they expected from the 5-foot-4 . . .

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Warren Weinstein Peace Corps CD

As he announced Warren Weinstein’s death Thursday, U.S. President Barack Obama praised what he said was Weinstein’s lifelong dedication to service, first as a Peace Corps volunteer and later as a USAID contractor. Weinstein, Obama said, was someone who “willingly left the comforts of home to help the people of Pakistan,” focusing his work on helping families escape poverty to give their children a better life. “This was a man who basically dedicated his life to service, to people in general, but especially to people in a country where the standard of living was low and difficult. … It’s tragic that he was killed the way he was,” former U.S. Ambassador Dan Simpson said. In a letter to the Washington Post, however, Weinstein said he had been a country director in Togo and Ivory Coast but did not mention being a PCV.

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Mark Brazaitis (Guatemala 1990-93) Interviewed in Poets & Writers

The May/June issue of Poets & Writers Magazine has an article entitled “Winners on Winning”  where they interview writers who won (and lost) literary contests in 2014. Among the handful of winning writers is our Mark Brazaitis (Guatemala 1990-93) for his 2014 Autumn House Press Fiction Award ($2,500) and publication of his most recent collection, Truth Poker. Mark, a professor of English at West Virginia University, (and directs their creative writing program,) has won more contest than most writers. Here’s a short list: 1998 Iowa Short Fiction Award for The River of Lost Voices: Stories From Guatemala 2001 Peace Corps Writers Maria Thomas Fiction Award for Steal My Heart 2004 George Garrett Fiction Award for An American Affair 2004 ABZ Poetry Prize for The Other Language 2012 Gival Press Novel Award for Julia & Rodrigo 2012 Richard Sullivan Prize for his story collection, The Incurable 2013 Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award . . .

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