Archive - February 5, 2015

Review: Finding Neguinho by David Randle (Brazil 1964–66)
St, Louis Fire that destroyed some personnel records, documented

Review: Finding Neguinho by David Randle (Brazil 1964–66)

Finding Neguinho by David Randle (Brazil 1964-66; Brazil staff 1967–69); with illustrations by Mary M. Jones Page Publishing June 2014 256 pages $25.95 (paperback), $9.99 (Kindle) Reviewed by Barbara E. Joe (Honduras 2000-03) • In 1964, after college graduation, newlyweds David and Inga Randle, both from Indiana farming families, find themselves far from home in the Peace Corps in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, “bigger than Texas,” a region sharing traits with the American Wild West . . . with disagreements being settled through the barrel of a gun. Also, a military coup has just occurred in Brazil, but is little felt in that remote world. Neighbors call the author “Dr. David,” — as, indeed, Hondurans still call me “Doctora Bárbara” on my annual visits there. He is permitted to drive a Peace Corps 4 x 4 Willy’s  station wagon, and often gives people a lift — who are helpful when . . .

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St, Louis Fire that destroyed some personnel records, documented

From time to time, I have heard RPCVs talk about not being able to access their COS or personnel records because Peace Corps didn’t have them or they had been destroyed.  Today, on the FaceBook page of the US National Archives, I found this posting that documents the rumor about such a fire: (Note:  This does not mean that Peace Corps records were destroyed or damaged.  It just documents that there was such a fire.  I am trying to get information from Peace Corps about PCV personal records that may have been damaged.) “US National Archives shared Preservation Programs at the U.S. National Archives‘s pos Our staff in the Preservation Program in St. Louis work with documents that were damaged in the 1973 fire at the National Personnel Records Center. Some of the documents that are our staff treat are contaminated with mold. To keep our staff safe and healthy, we recently had . . .

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