The Peace Corps Announces Record-Breaking Application Numbers in 2014
In the fiscal year ending 9.30.2013, Peace Corps applications were at an all time low, at 10,091. The total of serving Volunteers on September 30, 2013 was 7209. Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet announced an ambitious goal of doubling the number of application for fiscal year 2014, which ended this September 30, 2014. The Director streamlined the application process, and personally toured college campuses touting the value of Peace Corps service, as well as initiating a media campaign promoting Peace Corps. While not quite doubled, the effort has resulted in an recent historic high number of applications at 17,336. The increase occurred despite the negative publicity associated with the New York Times article describing the medical care received by serving PCV Nick Castle (See:–-nytimes-july-25-2014/) and the ongoing negotiations between the Peace Corps and the Office of the Peace Corps Inspector General over the implementation of the Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act. . . .
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Edward Mycue
I see now my comment was way 'off-page'. John Coyne is spot-on. Feeling all 'alice blue gown' then I went…