Carrie Hessler-Radelet at CWA Conference in Boulder, Colorado
66 Annual Conference on World Affairs April 7-11, 2014 [Originally founded in 1948 as a forum on international affairs, the CWA expanded rapidly in its early years to encompass the arts, media, science, diplomacy, technology, environment, spirituality, politics, business, medicine, human rights, and so on. Roger Ebert, who participated in the CWA for four decades, always referred to the CWA as “the Conference on Everything Conceivable.”] 1461 Gender Equity: Women Leaning In 12:30-1:50 on Monday April 7, 2014 Old Main Chapel Panelists: Stacie Nevadomski Berdan Carrie Hessler-Radelet Mary V. Hughes Alicia Robb Moderator: Antonio Papuzza 2162 Humanitarianism: Handouts and Bootstraps 9:30-10:50 on Tuesday April 8, 2014 UMC West Ballroom Panelists: Carrie Hessler-Radelet Tori Hogan Sarah Holewinski Judith Morrison Moderator: Elizabeth Dunn 2465 One Person in the Right Place Can Change the World 12:30-1:50 on Tuesday April 8, 2014 Old Main Chapel Panelists: Carrie Hessler-Radelet Tori Hogan Trey Lyons Judithe Registre Moderator: Sandra Brodie . . .
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Callie told the best story I ever heard - and No. 2 isn't even close! Think you - where can…