Talking with Meredith W. Cornett (Panama 1991-93) author of Heart of Palms: My Peace Corps Years in Tranquilla
Meredith W. Cornett (Panama 1991-93) is the author of Heart of Palms: My Peace Corps Years in Tranquilla soon to be published by the University of Alabama Press, and editor of Peace Corps in Panama: Fifty Years, Many Voices published by Peace Corps Writers (2013). • Meredith, how did you find your way into the Peace Corps. Well, I was born and raised in Atlanta, and I went to Oberlin College in Ohio and majored in biology. This is where I had my Peace Corps interview. After my tour with the Peace Corps, I attended the University of Minnesota for a MS and PhD in Forestry. . Were you involved with forestry as a PCV? Yes, I was a community forester in Panama from 1991 to 1993. It was a beautiful location in Chagres National Park in the tiny village of Tranquilla on the shores of Lake Alajuela. . What got . . .
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Dave, thank you for all your support! Being able to reconnect with Peace Corps Panama friends through this project has…