'Peace comes from Marine Corps, not Peace Corps' says former Congressman Allen West at CPAC 2013:
[Thanks to Dale Gilles (Liberia 1964 & 67; PC/W 1968-73 & 1990-93) we have this item from the Bizpac Review written by Michael Dorstewitz on March 14, 2013.] • Beginning at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday morning, former congressman Allen West of Florida was the alarm clock for the enthusiastic Conservative Political Action Conference-2013 attendees. “There is no shortage of people telling us what conservatism cannot accomplish, what we can’t do, how we cannot connect, how we must change our values to fit the times,” he began. “Well ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you that is truly a bunch of malarky.” “The last time I checked, a bended knee is not, nor shall it ever be, a conservative tradition.” He then steered the address to his own personal experience as a black conservative. “I’m speaking from experience when I tell you that there is nothing on this green earth that . . .
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mary-ann tirone smith
It took West two weeks to concede his loss in November to his Democratic opponent. He is out of the…