Archive - February 12, 2012

Still more on the Peace Corps Book Locker!

Still more on the Peace Corps Book Locker!

Questions on the famous Peace Corps Locker came back to me recently and once again I went searching through files looking for lost documents and I came across a letter written to me by Jack Hood Vaughn on December 3, 1999. For those RPCVs who never received a Peace Corps Book Locker, they were given out to all of us in the early days.  The Book Locker was sent overseas  with the first Volunteers so we might start a small library in our schools, as well as having something to read. These paperback books were to be left behind when we left our towns and villages. Now, of course, PCVs have cell phone and laptops, iPods and iPhones….who needs a book! Well, we certainly did. What I had been trying to track down, back in the ’90s, was how did the Book  Locker come to be? I have heard that it was Eunice Shriver who first had the idea, and . . .

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