Review of Adventures in Gabon: Peace Corps Stories from the African Rainforest
Adventures in Gabon: Peace Corps Stories from the African Rainforest Edited by Darcy Munson Meijer (Gabon 1982–84) A Peace Corps Writers Book 216 pages $15.95 September, 2011 Reviewed by Lawrence F. Lihosit (Honduras 1975–77) IF YOU SERVED IN GABON as a Peace Corps Volunteer, Adventures in Gabon will be like a yearbook and a reunion all in one. It is a book of anecdotes by more than thirty writers who served between 1962 and 2005. This is the only Peace Corps book I have ever read that included accounts from years covering the entire Peace Corps experience in one nation (the Gabon program closed in 2005). Unlike most Peace Corps anthologies, this one includes contributions by Volunteers who served after 1980. Equally unusual, the name of Sargent Shriver — first director of the Peace Corps — is never mentioned, and President John Kennedy is mentioned only once. Divided into seven . . .
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Darcy Meijer
It started as a decent review, Larry. Too bad you didn't finish it.