Return of the (Non) Native
by Paul Paquette (Thailand 1974–78) First published on the blog of on June 11, 2007 • JULY 2005 I left Thailand in 1980 after spending four years as a Peace Corps English teacher in a secondary school and three more working in refugee camps. I really don’t know why it took me so long to finally make that journey back to Thailand. I guess part of it was the fear of facing the changes that I would possibly find hard to accept after all those years. The tsunami finally washed all that away, and I found myself needing to return to be reassured that all was well there. The changes in Bangkok seemed profound to me at first. It was so strange to see tall buildings, a subway and a monorail! In many ways, I felt like Rip Van Winkle waking up from a long sleep to find a . . .
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Sawadee Paul, Thanks for your essay. RPCV 91-94 (MOPH), Crisis Corp 96. Back in the day, fellow PCVs would flock…