The Great Peace Corps Novel
I’m going to try and settle an argument–and create one!–by looking at the shelf of books we have from Peace Corps writers and come up with a list of the ‘best Peace Corps novels.’ I hope with my nomination to engage the community and have you all respond with your “best books.” Later we’ll look at the non-fiction accounts by RPCVs and pick a list of those books. First, why list of ‘great books’? Well, I guess it all started with John W. De Forest who introduced the notion of “the great American novel” in 1868 in Nation magazine. Novelist De Forest made the point that no American had produced a true painting of the American soul. What De Forest wanted was a book that “produced a true painting of the American soul, a picture of the ordinary emotions and manner of American existence.” So, what Peace Corps novel has “produced a true painting of . . .
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John Coyne
If you mean AHMED'S REVENGE--it was set in East Africa, however, it was not a "Peace Corps" novel..INDIGO was set…