Fastest Man In Fort Stewart: General Stanley A. McChrystal
I am not sure how many of you had the opportunity to read “His Long War” by Dexter Filkins in the magazine section of the New York Times today, Sunday, October 18, 2009. Filkins, who first reported from Afghanistan and Pakistan more than a decade ago, is a staff writer for the NYTIMES and the author of The Forever War. He writes about our General Stanley A. McChrystal who has been actively lobbying for a dramatic increase of troops to ‘get the job done’ in Afghanistan. There is a photograph of McChrystal on the magazine cover. He looks gaunt, tired and pathetic, as if he had just run the Boston Marathon, or is playing an extra in one of Stephen King’s Movies, say The Dead Zone! It is a long article and must be read until the very last line, which has the real kicker to the piece. Filkins spent a lot . . .
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John, I read the New York Times Magazine article on McChrystal's "Long War." I waited to comment until the President…