We Make It Into Worldview Magazine!


The current issue of Worldview (Spring/Summer 2024) has an article by Beatrice Hogan (Uzbekistan 1992-94) entitled Common Cause. It is about RPCVs who have built communities around issues and affinities. We were selected to be profiled. Thank you, Beatrice!


Peace Corps Worldwide
Friends since their Peace Corps days together, John Coyne and
Marian Haley Beil (Ethiopia 1962–64) together produce the blog
Peace Corps Worldwide and the Peace Corps Writers imprint. Their
efforts lie at the heart of the Third Goal of the Peace Corps —  bring
the world back home — and they’ve helped hundreds of writers tell
their stories and publish their work.

“RPCVs are the ones who tell the real story of the Peace Corps,” Coyne said. “They tell of their
experiences in essays, articles, short stories, and memoirs. Stories that are the true historical documents of the agency.”

Coyne and Beil’s collaboration began in the early 1980s with a small, printed newsletter that eventually became an online publication. These days, Peace Corps Worldwide is a literary hub that spans generations of Peace Corps Volunteers, and has a readership
of thousands.

Ten years ago, Beil also started the publishing imprint Peace Corps Writers. “It’s my baby,” she said. “Most Peace Corps stories are not going to get published [by] some fancy publisher, and so I decided to make a venue for books about the Peace Corps.”

Coyne, a prolific author himself, is the editor-in-chief of the blog, while Beil serves as the site’s publisher, designer, and database manager. The two estimate they’ve catalogued about 680 books about the Peace Corps experience and some 1,900 authors.

“For us, it is a treasure of literature and life,” Coyne said.


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  • And we are indebted to you and Marian. A simple thank you does not begin to express mine and other’s gratitude for your stewardship of this important endeavor.

  • What took them so long? Bravo! Brava! The double anchors that hold the Peace Corps expérience in the embrace of the written word. Shabash.

  • I couldn’t agree more with the prior comments. Kudos to both of you for your commitment to enabling so many of us to realize our writing dreams. Thank you.

  • If it wasn’t for These two dedicated people my connection with the organization that was life altering for me would be greatly diminished. They deserve all the credit for keeping us a unique community.

  • Well! I should think so! You have both done so much for RPCVs! Including me! You deserve all great accolades for your years of devotion to spreading the word about Peace Corps through RPCV stories! You are an incredibly valuable resource! Please keep it going forever!

    Peace, Love, Joy!

  • We are all so indebted to you both! I certainly am. Sometimes I want to shout it from the rooftop about all you’ve done to keep our history alive as you worked selflessly over the decades to have our voices and stories heard and archived for future generations. I hope you both realize how enormous your contribution is. I’m glad that Peace Corps Worldwide has begun to appreciate the profound historical value of your work.

  • Besides being the venue that showcases us Peace Corps writers, the site is the glue that holds us RPCVs together. Thanks, John and Marian, for what you’ve created and sustained.

  • John and Marian:
    Thanks for all the hard word over the years. It has made our lives quite
    a bit better… and certainly better connected.

  • This has been a tremendous service to the volunteers, the Peace Corps, and the larger world who have been able to witness the impact of the volunteer experience in all its complexities. A real gift to all. Thanks for your sustained efforts.
    Joe Wheaton
    Spouse of now deceased
    Richard Lipez Ethiopia 62-64

  • The recognition is so well-deserved and at the same time, not nearly what you both deserve for your continual efforts in supporting RPCV. A big thank you is hardly enough but still, THANK YOU!

  • Congratulations, John and Marian, on work well done! Your ongoing contributions and impact are incalculable.

  • John and Marian,
    It’s about time you two received this kind of recognition, so congratulations! You are the definition of the Third Goal, and through your tireless dedication you’ve provided a wonderful gift to RPCVs for all these many years. You also inspired many of us, including me, to write our Peace Corps stories.
    Thank you so much,
    Jim Skelton

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