Opinion | The Hard Reality American Expats Quickly Learn, by Paul Theroux
Paul Theroux (Malawi 1963-65), one of the most prolific Returned Peace Corps travel writers, provides an insightful rendition of the plight of expats. He reminds us with a quote from obnoxious nativist Pap Finn from the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” that Americans have complained about the state of affairs here, and many have acted on the threat to find refuge abroad, which is ironic today when millions are putting their lives at risk coming here. Those leaving often are looking for something new, according to Theroux. Pap Finn’s rant, “A man can’t get his rights in a government like this. Sometimes I have a mighty notion to just leave the country,” inspired Theroux’s main character in The Mosquito Coast, Allie Fox, who despaired at America’s decline and took his wife and four children to Honduras. He was reminded of his “stubborn American self” and went too far, and his expatriation . . .
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