Hometown Heroes: Patterson, CA Honors RPCV For Her Service
As a returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) how many of you have been asked to stand and be recognized for your service at a sporting or other public event? How many of you have been thanked for your service? How many of you have been honored by your hometown for your Peace Corps service? Patterson, California City Hall recently honored their “Hometown Heroes,” and among the several members of the armed forces, first responders, and frontline defenders recognized for their service was RPCV Kennedy Cassidy. Ms. Cassidy was a Community Health Volunteer in Madagascar (2023-2024). Each honoree received a banner that will be mounted on a streetlight pole in Patterson. See the entire piece and list of honorees in the article by Jessica Wilkinson in the Patterson Irrigator. PS Help lead the way forward for Peace Corps Worldwide by taking this three-minute survey on content preferences.
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Many years ago and it may have been on the 25th anniversary of the Peace Corps, there was program in…