PCV teacher in Eritrea, Ethiopia … 50 years later is saving and sustaining Eritrean lives (Ethiopia)
John Stauffer, an Ethiopia VII PCV, got profoundly reconnected with Eritrea many years after his service there, when he learned that the regime that took control of the country following independence from Ethiopia in 1991, has been brutally oppressing the population in order to maintain absolute control. Over 400,000 Eritreans have fled the country, and Stauffer’s nonprofit, The America Team for Displaced Eritreans (www.EritreanRefugees.org) works daily to get assistance — material, legal, financial — to refugees and asylum seekers in many countries around the world… including in the United States. I recently interviewed John about his connection to Ethiopia and the Peace Corps and his efforts to help Eritrean refugees. • John, where are you from? I’m originally from the Philadelphia area and still live here. I first attended York Junior College (now York College of Pennsylvania), and then transferred to Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Why the Peace Corps? A. As . . .
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I admire your work, John, and would like to help. I was in the Ethiopia 1 group and assigned to…