Costa Rica

Bob McCord (Costa Rica 1986-88) Poem "NEMO"
Jennifer Keller (Costa Rica 1985-87)

Bob McCord (Costa Rica 1986-88) Poem "NEMO"

[This poem, “Nemo” by Bob McCord (Costa Rica 1986-88) appeared in April 1990, (Volume 2, Number 2) issue of RPCV Writers. Bob wrote me that the poem was written on Sunday, March 13, 1988 in Liberia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Shortly after sending me this poem, Bob took a three month position with the National Marine Fisheries Service as an observer. On the night of March 22, 1990, the boat that he was on capsized in the Bering Sea. He was one of nine men lost. ] NEMO I want to live like Nemo Walk my donkey on knife’s edge Pounded corn cakes, the host of dawn Bear greased hair, sage mane A stone razor, agate eyes I want to live in a cave Breathe the ancestral air Cook fossil pollen for breakfast Chip away my history in rock Gather cold blue, moonless stars I want to dance for rain . . .

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Jennifer Keller (Costa Rica 1985-87)

Monday, November 21 5:45 pm 1st WEEK: One day before the day! I’m scared but excited. It’s all over and today we got our passport and ticket. Seems more real now and I feel sort of sad. This will all be so hard. Please write soon so I get mail soon there. 1st WEEK IN TRAINING IN COSTA RICA: I’ll describe a typical day: I wake up at 3:00 am with howling wolves (dogs) outside my window. (Did I tell you I got bit by a dog? I am now receiving rabies shots in the arm, which is really gross.) Then at 5 am the roosters start up. Damn things really do say cockle doodle doo. I can’t believe it. Then at 6:30 am the mother get up and “wakes” me, but I’ve been up for hours. I eat a huge breakfast of rice and beans and go to school . . .

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