Scott Beale (CEO of Atlas Corps) — new Associate Director for Global Operations at Peace Corps
Scott Beale started three nonprofit organizations. He is the founder and chief executive officer of Atlas Corps, a leadership development program for nonprofit professionals. Sometimes called a “reverse Peace Corps,” Atlas Corps brings leaders from all around the world to serve in cities across the United States.
Scott writes:
Scott Beale
I am honored to share that I will soon join the Biden Administration to serve as the Associate Director for Global Operations at the Peace Corps. After 15-years at Atlas Corps, I’m so proud of what we have accomplished building a community of over 1,000 leaders from 103 countries.
The Peace Corps is celebrating its 60th year of operations and yet the 7,000+ volunteers who serve in more than 60 countries have all been brought home due to COVID. It is a huge opportunity to help build the Peace Corps back up, particularly in a way that takes into consideration racial justice & equity, that is humble, and re-engages with the rest of the world addressing critical issues including global health, climate change, education and more. There are so many challenges our country and the world are facing right now and the Peace Corps will play a role in solving them. There are very few jobs that I thought I’d ever leave Atlas Corps for, but I’m excited to serve my country and take on this challenge.
Scott was never a PCV.
I assume that the Associate Director for Global Operations is now the new title for Peace Corps Director, right? Stupid question, but thought I would ask. Or maybe the Peace Corps Director is now the Director for Global Operations and Mr. Beale is his assistant.
i’m wondering what that means, too.
The Associate Director of Global Operation oversees the work of Peace Corps’ three geographic regions, Peace Corps Response, the Office of Overseas Programming and Training and the Staging Unit. It came into being in 2010 with Esther Benjamin as the first AD/GO. The Office of Global Operations predecessor was the the Office of International Operations that was disbanded by Director Mark Gearan.
Jim, Scott is an Associate Director, and there are several in the agency, have been for years. We still have a director who has not been named yet.
is there still the 5 year expiration at peace corps which assume wont affect political appts.
Shriver’s “In, Up & Out’ policy has certainly slipped away over the years. Jody Olsen, for example, spent most of her adult life working for the agency. She was always a Schedule C, political appointment, whenever the Republicans were in the White House and had control of Congress. There are ‘retreads” who come back to the agency. I’m one. I returned in the mid-nineties for six-years after having served in Ethiopia in 1962-64.