RPCVs want to help Ecuador After the Earthquake
Peace Corps reported that all Volunteers in Ecuador were safe. I could not find any notice of organized plans to help survivors of the Earthquake on the official Peace Corps site. However, RPCVs want to help. Bob Arias, (RPCV Colombia 1964-1966Response Volunteer:Panamá 2009-2010, Paraguay 2010-2011Colombia 2011-2013, Panamá 2013-2014 CD Uruguay, Argentina) emailed from Panama that RPCV’s want to get involved, it is part of the Third Goal. Bob also said “we offered our services to Director Carrie as former Volunteers and Response Volunteers.”
The RPCV group, Friends of Ecuador, has both a website and a Facebook page. Both offer ways on how you can help. Go to the website for further information on how to help and where to send donations. Here is the link to the website: http://www.friendsofecuador.org/2016/04/ecuador-earthquake-how-you-can-help/ From the website:
“Current Peace Corps volunteers have expressed an interest in helping and many of them who live along the coast are mobilizing funds to try to help. In general, it’s hard since unless you are trained in disaster response, it’s difficult to be useful, especially since outsiders converging on an area may themselves need food, water and shelter that are in short supply. It sounds like some coastal based volunteers, current and former, are working with local foundations and law enforcement to try to provide assistance. Others are channeling money to them. Money is probably better than donated goods.”
Bob Arias has emailed more information about Mercy Corps. This Corps is active in Ecuador. He emailed their April Newsletter, sent out before the Ecuadorian Earthquake. The newsletter highlights all the work that has been done by Mercy Corps in Nepal after the earthquake there last year. Bob reports “My former site partner in Barranquilla, was in charge of the Nepal effort. She is a Disaster Relief expert with MercyCorps.” Peace Corps Volunteers and RPCVs are born to “go and help.” Here is the link to the Mercy Corps newsletter: https://www.mercycorps.org/articles/nepal/one-year-later-recovery-nepal-forges
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