Review | YET TO BE REVEALED by Geri Marr Burdman (Bolivia)
Yet to be Revealed: Finding Paths to Meaning
by Geri Marr Burdman, Ph.D. (Bolivia 1962-64)
GeroWise Books
November 2023
124 pages
$16.95 (Paperback)
Reviewed by Gary D. Robinson (Colombia 1962–64; El Salvador staff 1967–68; DC staff 1969-71)
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Geri Mar Burdman (Bolivia 1962-64)
In Yet to be Revealed: Finding Paths to Meaning, Dr. Geri Marr Burdman takes the reader on an enlightening journey to discover meaning and purpose in life. This exploration, she suggests, becomes increasingly important as we age. The book encourages readers to reflect deeply on when they last contemplated what gives their lives significance, introducing the idea that the quest for meaning is a lifelong journey for some. In contrast, others may not embark on this path until a personal or family crisis strikes.
Drawing on her extensive experience in health and gerontology education, as well as
her international efforts starting with her time as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bolivia
from 1962 to 1964, Burdman uses her nearly six decades of work to guide readers
toward uncovering their interpretations of a meaningful life.
Her interaction with Dr. Viktor Frankl, the renowned author of Man’s Search for Meaning, in 1969 profoundly influenced her. Frankl’s ability to find purpose through the adversity of the Holocaust taught her the power of choosing one’s attitude in any circumstance, a lesson she aims to pass on through her writing.
Dr. Marr Burdman’s career includes earning a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon, and positions at prestigious universities, such as Case Western Reserve University, the
University of Oregon, and the University of Washington, has been dedicated to
community service and education. Her workshops and seminars, both in the United
States and six continents, and her recognition by the Viktor Frankl Institute of
Logotherapy with a lifetime membership underscore her commitment to spreading
Frankl’s message worldwide.
The book is replete with compelling stories of individuals from around the globe whose
lives exemplify resilience, joy in the face of sorrow, and a steadfast commitment to living with purpose and integrity. These narratives underscore the book’s core messages: living a life that matters, overcoming adversity, maintaining integrity despite chaos, embracing life with grace and gratitude, and focusing on the present. She accomplishes this through five pivotal themes framed by life experiences:
- Living a purposeful life that matters
- Overcoming adversity and healing from emotional wounds
- Maintaining integrity amidst turmoil
- Embracing life with grace and gratitude
- Concentrating on the present
Yet to be Revealed not only inspired me to introspect on the significance of my own life, but also resonated so strongly that I shared it with others from my Peace Corps cohort, reinforcing our shared experiences of resilience and growth. Burdman’s work is a powerful reminder that we are all works in progress, constantly evolving and unlocking our boundless potential. It’s a testament to the influence of choice and attitude in crafting our life stories, inviting us to embrace the journey of self-discovery and meaning-making with open hearts.
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Reviewer Gary D. Robinson, of Washington state was the industrial relations manager of the Boeing Co. He graduated from Southern Illinois University (B.A., 1964) and Case Western University (Ph.D., 1976). He was born in Colcord, WV in 1938.
Enjoyed the review and the connections with RPCVs from the Northwest.