Peace Corps to host Web-EX for Peace Corps Response Applicants – Open to all

From the Peace Corps Response website:

May 03, 2012

Peace Corps Response Application Workshop (Web-Ex)
12:00 p.m. (EST)


Check out our new and easy application process in a virtual information session May 3rd.

Learn how to set up search agents, apply for multiple positions and check your application status at any time during the application process. We will also provide insider tips on how to get your application noticed by a Recruiter!

Peace Corps Response provides opportunities for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) and experienced professionals to undertake challenging, short (3-12 month) assignments in various program areas around the world. Attend this webinar to find out more information about our exciting new programs, upcoming assignments, and how to apply.
 Please register at least 24 hours in advance.

Peace Corps Response is being expanded to include non-RPCVs.  Historically, Peace Corps has not been able to meet the demand for trained Personnel. This problem was addressed in the Peace Corps Comprehensive Agency Assessment of June 2010. In addition to refocusing the training and placement of the lesser skilled traditional two year Volunteer, the assessment team recommended the expansion of Peace Corps Response. From the report:

Breaking from the current mission of Peace Corps Response, assignments would be open to those who could meet qualification criteria, whether or not they had been Peace Corps Volunteers in the past. This program would place experienced and qualified individuals into assignments that draw on their specific skills and experience with flexible time commitments. (Agency Assessment, June 2010, page 12)

The description of the role of the Response Volunteer also included this:

Response Volunteers can become mentors to the Peace Corps’ Volunteers and their host country counterparts, with assignments that complement the efforts of the traditional two-year Peace Corps Volunteer.  (Agency Assessment, June 2010, page 12)

This expansion marks the first time in fifty years that Volunteers will serve under the Peace Corps banner who have not undergone the traditional 8 to 12 week training and committed to two years of service. It is not clear if this expansion represents a mere move to meet the need for highly skilled professionals or if it may result in a restructuring of the Peace Corps mission. All Response Volunteers, whether coming from the pool of returned two year Volunteers or the newly created category of professional level entrees, will serve with the traditional restrictions on intelligence gathering, past and present. Peace Corps Director Williams was adamant on this point and evidently the application process will stipulate that. However, the website itself does not highlight that prohibition, despite repeated promises from the Director to change the website to reflect that caveat.

Those of us who have served know how great the need can be for highly trained personnel.  It is hoped that this change will help to meet that need. The Web-EX will also be an excellent opportunity for RPCVs to explore the possibilities of Peace Corps Response.

For more general information on the Peace Corps Response program, visit the website at:

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