New Peace Corps Team Lands in Moldova

New Peace Corps Team Lands in Moldova to Boost English Education

The 36th group of Peace Corps volunteers from the United States has arrived in Moldova. Twenty-three volunteers landed today at Chișinău International Airport.

Prior to commencing their service, the volunteers will undergo a ten-week training program. This program will focus on Romanian language acquisition, Moldovan culture immersion, and technical skill development.

Following the training, the volunteers will be deployed to schools, town halls, and community centres throughout Moldova.

The Peace Corps program was first established in Moldova by the Chișinău government in 1993. The program’s primary objective is to enhance the English language teaching capabilities of Moldovan educators within the existing educational framework.

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  • While politics are not the realm of the Peace Corps, the agency has made a powerful statement with the introduction of new education volunteers in this country that is bordered on three sides by Ukraine. The memoir “Lenins Asylum” by Aaron Weiss, which I reviewed for PCW several years back, provides probing insight into the unique challenges of living and teaching in Moldova, and will be helpful guidance for the new Volunteers.

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