“An Example for Government” from Who’s Who in The Peace Corps
Sargent Shriver Writes (Letter edited for length) I hope this booklet—Who’s Who in The Peace Corps—will give Peace Corps Volunteers in the field a little information about the quality and the background of the members of the Washington staff. Nothing that I could say about the dedication and ability of these men and women could improve upon the assessment of them made by President Kennedy last June 14 when he said that they “have brought to government service a sense of morale and a sense of enthusiasm and, really, commitment, which has been absent from too many governmental agencies for too many years.” He went on to say that he believes that the members of the Peace Corps/Washington staff “have set an example for government service which I hope will be infectious”. Vital as these people are, however, not one of them is more important to the Peace Corps than . . .
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John Turnbull
And, we should not forget the origins of the concept of "Peace Corps Independence" -- primarily from the foreign policy…