Brownie Lee (Togo 1962-64) passed away in Benin after a brief illness

Brownie worked in many Peace Corps countries and at many levels of the agency, first as a PCV. She lived in West Africa for over forty years.

Brownie Lee passed away on April 27, 2015 (Togo Independence Day) in Benin after a brief illness.brownie-lee

Brownie Lee was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the first Togo group from 1962-64, and in Guinea, 1964-1966. She then taught for twenty years, in Eastern and Western Africa, the U.S., and Jamaica. In 1984, she returned to Peace Corps as APCD for Education in Niger 1984-89, APCD for Education and Water Sanitation in Mauritania, 1989-91, and APCD for Education and SED in Ghana, 1991-93. In 1994 she joined Africare as a Project Coordinator for an NGO strengthening program in Benin. In 1995, Brownie came back to Peace Corps as the Sub-Regional Programming and Training Coordinator for Coastal West and Central Africa. In this latter position, she was based in Benin but worked throughout the sub-region. She was closely involved in the development of the Girls’ Education Projects in Togo and Burkina Faso and in the Community Youth Education Project in Niger. In February 2007, Brownie became Peace Corps Country Director in Togo. In August 2009 she became Peace Corps Country Director in Benin.

Brownie has an extended family, which at present consists of Haoua, whom she adopted in Niger and foster children from every country in which she lived. She retired in 2010 and bought a house in Ouidah where she was living surrounded as usual by her girls who stayed with her till her last minute.
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  • Brownie, you are what Peace Corps is all about, you are part of the greatness of the Peace Corps family. Having never met you, our paths crossed many times! What we experience as Volunteers and Staff would not have been possible if there had never been a Peace Corps. The places and faces you touched opened many doors and paths. “If not for us, who?”

    You will remain in my thoughts and prayers!

  • R.I.P. Miss Lee my English teacher in Jamaica. That Blue mountain trip. The weekends spent at your house by the beach in Port more where u lived at the time. She was very humble and different. Great contributor to many lives around the world….

    • I didn’t realize this was online. Best teacher. The French program, Blue Mountains. And Haiti. Best God mother. The best of St Jago and the world.

  • To mother Brownie Lee,

    On this your special Earthday, still missing you, still loving you and still remembering good times spent with you. Still celebrating your positive contribution to the planet earth. It was a Blessed Day when you entered this world 80 years ago. We thank God for your influence on our lives Brownie.

    From Sonia and family.

  • I didn’t realize this was online. Best teacher. The French program, Blue Mountains. And Haiti. Best God mother. The best of St Jago and the world.

  • She was my favorite teacher, taught me English Lit in high school at St Jago in Jamaica. Wonderful individual.

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