The Murder Of Kate Puzey (Benin 2007-09) One Year Ago
A article today in the Forsyth County News in Georgia written by Julie Arrington talks about the family of Kate Puzey who was killed in March a year ago in Badjoude, Benin. Her mother, Lois Puzey, says that Kate discovered a co-teacher — not a Peace Corps Volunteer — was sexually abusing some of the female students at the school where they worked. “Co-teachers and other students were upset and they came to Kate to try to get some help, to contact someone and try to get him out of the school,” Mrs. Puzey told the reporter. “She [Kate] tried to do that anonymously and unfortunately the anonymity was broken.” Puzey said her daughter’s murder happened within days of her reporting the other teacher. Kate Puzey’s body was found March 12, 2009. She reportedly died the night before. A video about her has been posted online and Peace Corps Volunteers . . .
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Yeah, you should take being murdered in stride. It was the volunteer's fault for having a sense of entitlement (where…