RPCV Writer John Mundahl (Venezuela 1967-69)
RPCV writers keep writing and keep finding our site. We just heard from John Mundahl a former PCV and now a Crisis Corps Volunteer in Romania. Here’s a short bio on John and his books, most of which are published by the small and wonderful Monkfish Publishing. John Mundahl is a retired ESL teacher. He taught for 32 years kindergarten-university at various places in the United States and throughout the world. He has been a yoga teacher and practitioner for 30 years and was a resident at the original Kripalu Yoga Ashram in Sumneytown, Pennsylvania during Swami Kripalu’s four-year stay from 1977-1981. He is also an Ayurvedic Health Care Educator and the author of nine books. He served in Venezuela (1967-69) and joined the Peace Corps again in 2012 as a Peace Corps Response volunteer assigned to the Ministry of Education in Bucharest, Romania. He can be reached at: johnmundahl@yahoo.com.” . . .
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