Another Summertime Book Quiz About RPCV Books

Thanks to Leita Kaldi Davis (Senegal 1993-96) who suggested, “How about listing titles and we guess the country and author?”
Great idea, Leita!

Everyone Play the Summertime Quiz!
Country                                      Author

The Measure of a Dream

How to Cook a Crocodile

Dusty Land: Stories of Two Teachers

Roller Skating in the Desert

Those Were the Days

First Come Love, Then Comes Malaria

Heart of Palms

Leopards at My Door

Tales from a Muzungu

One of Us: Sex, Violence, Injustice

Glimpses through the Forest

Peace Corps Epiphanies

Dodging Machetes

Never Gonna Cease My Wanderin

Different Latitudes

Just Say Yes

The Empire and the Elephant

The Vodka Diaries                                    




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  • John,

    Here is a really novel thought – I could just look the titles up on Peace Corps World Wide, first!

  • And I thought I had read so many PC books! I don’t know any of the answers, except my book.


    P.S. In Sarasota our RPCV group is invited to tour their African American Cultural Resources Center and I’m going to donate my collection of books: “Peace Corps in Africa.” A perfect place for them.

  • A note to the my peers, the technically incompetent… careful switching screens to move from the comment section to the search box on PCWW, because you can be almost all done and then close the screen, by mistake, and have to start all over again….

    All the books are books which have been reviewed here!

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