Obituary for Peace Corps Writer Patricia Edmisten (Peru 1962-64)
I first became acquainted with Patricia in 2019, when she reached out to me in my capacity as President & CEO of National Peace Corps Association, for help recruiting returned Peace Corps Volunteers to serve with the Annunciation House hospitality center in El Paso, where her nephew, Mark Seitz, is the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese. I was so compelled by her plea that I journeyed to El Paso and served the refugee community there for two weeks, as did dozens of other returned Peace Corps Volunteers. Patricia also corresponded with John Coyne and Marian Beil, reviewing some books and posting her own books on Peace Corps Worldwide. She was a gifted writer, spiritualist, and kind humanitarian. She was a close friend to many people and will be greatly missed. — Glenn Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Patricia S. Taylor Edmisten lived in Pensacola since 1977 when she joined the . . .
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