Identities Abroad | LGBTQ+ in the Peace Corps


Identities Abroad: Serving as an LGBTQ+ Volunteer

February 25, 2021 – 5:00pm – 6:00pm


During this session, RPCVs identifying as LGBTQ+ will share stories of their lived experienced serving in the Peace Corps as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. By attending this webinar, you can learn how identities play a role in being abroad and in the Peace Corps service and connect with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers!

Click here to register for the session:

Livestream Available (Visible After Registration)

Meet our Panelists:

Katie Browne is a PhD candidate in the School for Environment and Sustainability. She served in the Peace Corps in Madagascar from 2009-2012, working with Madagascar National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Society on environmental education programs. She recently returned to Madagascar to conduct dissertation research on climate adaptation with the support of a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship.

M.C. Moritz served in Peace Corps Panama from 2014-2016 as a Health volunteer. M.C. comes from an engineering background and works as a programming and training specialist with the Peace Corps health program in Panama.

***If you have any questions you would like to submit to our panelists before hand, please take a second and fill out this google form!

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