Supporting Kathleen Corey — Where to write!
Due to the overwhelming positive response to the nomination of Kathleen Corey as Peace Corps Director, please send any further recommendations to

Teaching in Liberia

Living in Liberia 1975-79
I am writing to express my support of Kathleen Corey as the next Peace Corps director.
I have known Kathleen for over fifty years. I believe she is ideal for the job. First, because she has a passion for the mission of the Peace Corps and has devoted most of her entire adult life to that mission. It is truly her “North Star.” She has the experience and skills required to successfully lead the Peace Corps and enhance the lives of the people she serves as well as the image of the United States.
Second, because she is bright, an extremely effective administrator, has the ability to inspire people to be their best version of themselves, and is not afraid of hard work. She possesses an inspirational work ethic and as strong a sense of integrity as anyone I have ever known.
I am a retired military officer with most of my career spent in US Army Special Forces and Civil Affairs. You could say that I was part of the “US War Corps.” It is with that background that I enthusiastically support the work of the Peace Corps. The good work and good will it generates on behalf of the United States is instrumental in helping us to make friends and find peaceful resolutions to differences and problems throughout the world. Knowing Kathleen as I do, I am confident that she will enhance and further that process tremendously.
Paul L. Henderson
LTC (ret) US Army