Kevin Quigley (Thailand) named to NEBHE
Marlboro College President Kevin F F Quigley (Thailand 1976-79) has been named to the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) by Vermont Gov Phillip B. Scott. Before joining Marlboro, Quigley served as Peace Corps country director in Thailand, and as president and CEO of the National Peace Corps Association, a global alumni organization for the more than 200,000 former Peace Corps staff and volunteers.
Quigley has a deep appreciation for academia, holding degrees from Swarthmore College, National University of Ireland, Columbia University and Georgetown University. He has been a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow at 12 liberal arts colleges from 2004 to 2012, and a faculty-practitioner graduate instructor teaching about international studies and management from 1995 to 2011. Earlier, he was guest scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the recipient of several other international professional fellowships.
He is the author of For Democracy’s Sake: Foundations and Democracy Assistance in Central Europe (Johns Hopkins University Press) and has published extensively on international and service issues, including a quarterly blog about Peace Corps and service-related issues in The Huffington Post.
Quigley has a lifelong interest in how education develops skills that expand opportunities, and in helping make public institutions more accountable. As the first executive director of the Global Alliance for Workers and Communities, he pioneered work with global companies like Nike and The Gap, the World Bank, and various universities and community-based organizations, seeking to improve the lives of production workers.
He also served as vice president for business and policy at the Asia Society, director of public policy at the Pew Charitable Trusts, vice chair of the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Assistance for the US Agency for International Development, and legislative director to the late US Sen John Heinz.
“Marlboro is well-known for its intensive focus on community and a Vermont-style Town Meeting that provides the community with a role in the college’s governance. We are eager to draw on President Quigley’s thoughtful experience that is both global and reflective of unique and inclusive New England values,” said NEBHE President & CEO Michael K Thomas.
NEBHE was established in 1955 by six visionary New England governors and authorized by the US Congress. The interstate compact brings together leaders in education, government and business to forge partnerships and advance ideas that enhance the economy and quality of life in the six-state region and beyond.
NEBHE works across the New England states to help leaders assess, develop and implement education practices and policies of regional significance, promote regional cooperation and programs that encourage efficient sharing of education resources and strengthen the relationship between higher education and the New England economy.
Each New England state is represented be eight delegates to NEBHE. Other Vermont delegates are: state Sen Christopher Bray; Community College of Vermont President Joyce M Judy; state Rep Alice Miller; Vermont State Colleges Chancellor Jeb Spaulding; University of Vermont President Thomas Sullivan; and Burlington, Vt lawyer Michael Wool.
Founded in 1955 NEBHE brings together leaders of education, higher education, government, business and labor to forge partnerships and advance ideas that enhance the economy and quality of life in the six-state region and around the world. NEBHE works to increase the education opportunities for New England residents and to promote collaboration among the region’s colleges and universities to expand access, success, affordability and the economic impact of higher education.
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