Archive - 2024

Saying Goodbye to The Peace Corps
Francie Scott–Wake Forest Law (Zimbabwe)
WHAT DEATH REVEALED by Jonathan Lash (Dominican Republic)
New books by Peace Corps writers | July through August, 2024
FALLING SEVEN TIMES by Mark G. Wentling (Honduras, Togo)
A compelling novel | MISSING PARTS by Diana B. Roberts (Tunisia)
Gary Bergthold (Ethiopia) died on July 20, 2024
RPCV Sculptor Joel Shapiro (India)
AFRICA OPENED MY HEART by Julie Wang (Benin)
Peace Corps Volunteers sworn in to serve in Kyrgyzstan
OTHER RIVERS by Peter Hessler (China)
2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Marian Haley Beil Award for Best Book Review to Ben East (Malawi) for IF YOU TURN TO LOOK BACK by Tom Hazuka (Chile)
Review | FROM MOUNTAINS TO MEDICINE by Erica M. Elliott, MD (Ecuador)

Saying Goodbye to The Peace Corps

The Peace Corps was our great gift to the world back in the Sixties. President Kennedy asked not what America could for us, but what we could do for the world. We answered by giving the Third World our time, talents, and friendship. We went overseas not to war but to help others in the developing world. For all of us, it was a challenge and an opportunity. In the first days of the agency, the Peace Corps was overwhelmed with letters, telegrams, and in-person visits to the Maiatico Building, headquarters for the new agency on Lafayette Squire across from the White House. All of us wanted to be in the Peace Corps. All of wanted to be one of Kennedy’s Kids. We began with the first Volunteers going to  Ghana and Tanzania in August of 1961. They went to these two African countries not with weapons, but with handshakes . . .

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Francie Scott–Wake Forest Law (Zimbabwe)

Francie Scott Assistant Dean of Career and Professional Development Francie Scott is the Assistant Dean of the Office of Career & Professional Development, where she counsels students on all aspects of professional development and career planning and maintains oversight of the law school’s mandatory 1L Professional Development course. Francie is a 2004 cum laude graduate of Wake Forest School of Law and graduated from the University of Virginia with a B.A. in Philosophy and French. Following law school, she served as a law clerk for the Honorable Samuel G. Wilson, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia. She practiced labor and employment law for several years with an international law firm based in Richmond, Virginia. In 2008 she left the practice of law to obtain a Master’s in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where her concentration was in nonprofit management. Before attending . . .

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WHAT DEATH REVEALED by Jonathan Lash (Dominican Republic)

A new book – What Death Revealed: A Story of Virtue, Vice and Violence Jonathan Lash (Dominican Republic 1967-69) Austin Macauley Publishers July 2025 378 pages $23.95 (paperback); $$4.50 (Kindle); $38.95 (hardcover); to come (audible)  . . .  In a tale that spans two disparate worlds within one city, this gripping novel dives deep into the divide between the glistening capital of the Free World and its neglected districts, home to 700,000 citizens mostly of color. Eight years after the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. sparked riots that shattered the city’s core, the scars of racial fury and systemic injustice remain as evident as ever. Amid this backdrop of crime and burnt-out neighborhoods, Jimmy McFarland, an earnest young District Attorney, stumbles upon evidence of corruption tied to a six-billion-dollar Metro subway project aimed at reconnecting the city’s fractured communities. Though clearly a matter for the FBI, McFarland embarks on a . . .

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New books by Peace Corps writers | July through August, 2024

New books —  To purchase any of these books from — CLICK on the book cover, the bold book title, or the publishing format you would like — and Peace Corps Worldwide, an Amazon Associate, will receive a small remittance from your purchase that will help support the site and the annual Peace Corps Writers awards. We include a brief description for each of the books listed here in hopes of encouraging readers  to order a book and maybe  VOLUNTEER TO REVIEW IT.  See a book you’d like to review for Peace Corps Worldwide? Send a note to Marian at, and she will send you a free copy along with a few instructions. PLEASE, PLEASE  join in our Third Goal effort and volunteer to review a book or books!!!   Songs of Mali by Ruth Gooley (Mali 1980-81) Peace Corps Writers May 2024 102 pages $15.00 (paperback) Songs of Mali . . .

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FALLING SEVEN TIMES by Mark G. Wentling (Honduras, Togo)

  Falling Seven Times by Mark G Wentling (Honduras 1967-69 & Togo 1970-73) Archway Publishing August 2024 318 pages $24.99 (Paperback);$47.99 (Hardback)  . . .  Falling Seven Times is about a young Ethiopian woman, Alya, struggling to be a migrant worker to support her family. Her story is one of tens of thousands of people going abroad in search of jobs: that pay a livable wage so they can send money home. Her sacrifices and the many ups and downs she experiences communicate what migrant laborers suffer. Alya’s particular travels to the Gulf States and Middle Eastern countries illuminate the many desperate pitfalls of migratory labor. This book also highlights the foreign environments, including the different languages and cultures, Alya encounters and how they contrast with her customs. Alya's case is of such interest that it keeps the reader engrossed in learning what happens next. The reader keeps asking if Alya will . . .

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A compelling novel | MISSING PARTS by Diana B. Roberts (Tunisia)

  Novel —  Missing Parts by Diana B. Roberts (Tunisia 1966-68) Austin Macauley Publishers July 2024 219 pages $4.50 (Kindle); $15.95 (Paperback)   Acclaimed fundraiser and seasoned storyteller Diana B. Roberts, affectionately known as Dina, invites readers on a deeply moving journey through the complexities of friendship, resilience, and life’s unpredictable twists in her latest novel, Missing Parts. This powerful standalone fiction weaves the tale of Lacey Pierce and Mimi Faraday, whose lives take divergent paths only to intersect again under the most unexpected of circumstances. Set against the backdrop of the transformative 1960s and 70s in a charming New England town, Missing Parts explores the enduring power of friendship and the profound impact of life’s choices. Lacey and Mimi, once inseparable during their youth, find themselves worlds apart — Lacey is serving in the Peace Corps in Africa, and Mimi is dedicating her life to community service in Newfoundland. . . .

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Gary Bergthold (Ethiopia) died on July 20, 2024

Obituary — Gary Bergthold was born in 1938 in Bakersfield and was proud of it. Although his life and work took him all over the world, he never forgot his roots and the humor and food brought to America by generations of his immigrant family. The oldest son of Glenn and Viola Bergthold, Gary spent his early years in Bakersfield, before leaving to attend UCLA where he received a BA and MA in Psychology. His brothers always marveled at his ability to absorb books through osmosis as they lay on his chest while he napped. At UCLA, he met his wife Linda Carlson, by sitting next to the pretty blonde girl in music class and asking if she could tutor him. They married in 1961 and set off on a lifetime of adventure around the world. In 1962 they joined the Peace Corps, and spent two years teaching secondary school . . .

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RPCV Sculptor Joel Shapiro (India)

How Joel Shapiro ‘Retains the Intimacy’ of His Staggeringly Large Sculptures Ahead of a solo exhibition at New York’s Pace Gallery, we step inside the studio of the seasoned sculptor.     by Tim Brinkhof — August 27, 2024 Share This Article Ever since he participated in the 1969 “Anti-Illusion: Procedures/Materials” exhibition at New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art, Joel Shapiro has been a fixture in the world of modern American sculpture. The 82-year-old artist traces the genesis of his career to his experience serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in India 1964 to 1966. There, in between teaching villagers to dig latrines and build smokeless ovens, he became enamored with Indian sculpture, which introduced him to the medium’s psychological dimension. “India,” he later said, “gave me a sense of… the possibility of being an artist.” Born in Queens, New York, in 1941, Shapiro studied at New York University, earning . . .

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new book —   The Lost Trees of Willow Avenue: A Story of Climate and Hope on One American Street  by Mike Tidwell (Zaire 1985-87) St. Martin’s Press March 2025 288 pages $14.99 (Kindle); $29.00 (Hardcover) — Pre-order Price Guarantee   A riveting and elegant story of climate change on one city street, full of surprises and true stories of human struggle and dying local trees – all against the national backdrop of 2023’s record heat domes and raging wildfires and hurricanes. In 2023, author and activist Mike Tidwell decided to keep a record for a full year of the growing impacts of climate change on his one urban block right on the border with Washington, DC. A love letter to the magnificent oaks and other trees dying from record heat waves and bizarre rain, Tidwell’s story depicts the neighborhood’s battle to save the trees and combat climate change: The . . .

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AFRICA OPENED MY HEART by Julie Wang (Benin)

a new book—   Africa Opened My Heart Julia Dreyer Wang (Benin 2012-14) Native Book Publishing August 2024 341 pages $19.99 (paperback), $3o.00 (Hardcover), $4.99 (Kindle)   Africa Opened My Heart is a moving testament to having the courage to set out on new adventures later in life. After her husband died in 2009, Julie Wang, then 62, was encouraged to do so by reading about Jimmy Carter’s mother, Lillian, another older Peace Corps Volunteer. Julie was assigned to Benin, West Africa, a country she had barely heard of, but where she soon found herself falling in love with the Beninese people, who showed her how to survive and thrive in this sometimes-challenging country. As someone who had founded two businesses in the U.S., teaching entrepreneurial skills to Beninese young and old proved a pleasure. She thought she was doing well until confronted by a group of seamstresses who could . . .

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Peace Corps Volunteers sworn in to serve in Kyrgyzstan

New Volunteers —     AKIPRESS.COM – Twenty-one newly sworn-in Peace Corps Volunteers will co-teach English with local teachers in secondary schools across Chui, Naryn, Issyk-Kul, Talas, Osh, and Jalal-Abad oblasts over the next two years. This is the 30th group of Volunteers to serve in the Kyrgyz Republic since 1993. Guests at the ceremony included U.S. Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic Lesslie Viguerie, Peace Corps Country Director Hoyt Brian Yee, former Volunteers, as well as local teachers and directors of schools where the Volunteers will serve as co-teachers. “For more than 30 years, Volunteers and their communities have collaborated to increase student and teacher capacity in English and have built relationships that continue long beyond the two years of a Volunteer’s service. These relationships promote friendship and mutual understanding between the people of the Kyrgyz Republic and the United States,” said Ambassador Viguerie. By working alongside local English teachers, Volunteers . . .

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OTHER RIVERS by Peter Hessler (China)

Review — Other Rivers – spotlight on Generation Xi An American’s view of life in China during the tumultuous Covid years Reviewed by Amy Hawkins The Guardian 21 Aug 2024    When Peter Hessler (China 1996-98), the celebrated chronicler of Chinese society, arrived at Sichuan University in the autumn of 2019, he was expecting to take a break from writing. Hessler made his name as a journalist documenting the lives of everyday people during China’s boom years in the early 2000s. But he first got to know the country as a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Sichuan in the mid-1990s – an experience that formed the basis of his first book, River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze, a bestseller that introduced a generation of readers to a rapidly changing China. Nearly a quarter of a century on, he had planned to focus his energies on teaching. But events were about . . .

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2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Marian Haley Beil Award for Best Book Review to Ben East (Malawi) for IF YOU TURN TO LOOK BACK by Tom Hazuka (Chile)

  2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Book Review Award is named in honor of Marian Haley Beil (Ethiopia 1962-64), co-founder and publisher since 1989 of the Peace Corps Writers newsletter, website, and book imprint. Following her tour of service, Marian worked for 4 years in the Office of Reports and Special Studies at Peace Corps Headquarters. She founded the Ethiopia & Eritrea RPCV group in 1991, and later co-founded Rochester RPCVs.   If You Turn to Look Back: A Memoir and Meditation by Tom Hazuka (Chile 1978-80) Woodhall Press 388 pages September 2023 $19.95 (Paperback); $9.99 (Kindle) If You Turn to Look Back combines memoir with political, social, and economic investiif gations of what it means to be an American and a citizen of the world. American influence is ubiquitous in South America, and If You Turn to Look Back explores these relationships in a personal context. For Tom Hazuka was once part . . .

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New book —  Confessional Poems and Vignettes: Revisited by Thomas Syre, Sr. (Ethiopia 1972-74) Independently Published 94 pages January 2024 $15.00 (Paperback)   Revisited is a collection of poems and vignettes revised and added to a collection of fiction first published in 2020 during the pandemic. Syre’s latest collection, written in the Fall of 2023, reflects on his life as a boy, a son, a man, a husband, and a father. He writes about his time as an active-duty peacetime Marine overseas. He also writes about his years in Ethiopia first with the Peace Corps as a young Volunteer and then his productive retirement years as a university professor of public health. The collection speaks to his personal, familial, and professional, regrets, failures, brokenness, and successes in life.

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Review | FROM MOUNTAINS TO MEDICINE by Erica M. Elliott, MD (Ecuador)

Review —    From Mountains to Medicine: Scaling the Heights in Search of My Calling Erica M. Elliott, M.D. (Ecuador 1974–76) Lammastide Publishing January 2024 383 pages $19.95 (paperback), $16.99 (Kindle), 1 credit (audiobook– author narrator Reviewed by Sue Hoyt Aiken (Ethiopia 1962-64)  . . .  This is a remarkable memoir with vivid descriptions that confirmed how happy I , as the reader, was to be safely at home and not dangling from a rope at a very high altitude! It is fair to say her story takes us to the depths of despair, confusion, darkness and up to the highest peaks, exhilaration, pure joy and onward to many life accomplishments. As a Peace Corps Volunteer and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer she takes the life lessons learned while in these roles into a variety of situations. But before the Peace Corps there was a teaching experience with the Navaho in New Mexico, complicated . . .

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