Archive - October 17, 2024

Where Have all the Peace Corps Volunteers Gone?

Where Have all the Peace Corps Volunteers Gone?

Where Have all the Peace Corps Volunteers Gone? By Ambassador Mark A. Green  on October 15, 2024             John F. Kennedy greets Volunteers on August 28, 1962. I often trace the beginnings of my foreign policy and international development work back to the village school in Kenya where my wife Sue and I served as WorldTeach volunteers. That work presented many challenges, but the village was also ahead of many others in the area because a Peace Corps Volunteer served there before us. I often point to my time as US ambassador to Tanzania as the high point of my career in foreign policy. When I entered the State House to present my credentials to President Jakaya Kikwete in 2007, a Tanzanian protocol officer proudly took me aside and related how he had once been taught by a Peace Corps Volunteer. When President John F. Kennedy established . . .

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