Archive - September 14, 2024

“What Do You Believe In?” | Kayla Kawalec (Thailand)

“What Do You Believe In?” | Kayla Kawalec (Thailand)

    by Kayla Kawalec (Thailand 2024-26) Sticky Rice Magazine Aug 2, 2024 “What do you believe in?” asked in America, can be close to a threat. You can proudly display your beliefs like a bumper sticker or wield them like a flamethrower, burning lines in the grass – sometimes, at the same time. You don’t have to scroll too far down your preferred social media feed (where it seems like most people get their news as of late) to find a story about beliefs bringing some of us tightly together and sharply dividing others – and not just in America, but globally. Joining the Peace Corps meant relocating from America, a racially, religiously, culturally, and ideologically diverse country of 330 million, to Thailand, a comparatively homogeneous one of 71 million. This isn’t to say that there isn’t diversity within Thailand – because there is, but it’s much more subtle than in America. . . .

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