Archive - August 22, 2024

Empowering women and children from Nepal to the Amazon | Lisa Labita Woodson (Nepal)
2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Poetry Award Winner

Empowering women and children from Nepal to the Amazon | Lisa Labita Woodson (Nepal)

RPCVs in the news —   Lisa Labita Woodson, MPH, PhD Fulbright-Fogarty Fellow: 2022-2023 U.S. institution: University of Arizona Foreign institution: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru Research topic: The effects of COVID-19 on adolescent pregnancy and educational attainment in the Amazon Basin Current affiliation: Editor-In-Chief, Beyond Global Health; Principal investigator in sexual and reproductive health research, Mamas del Río PCV Nepal (2004 evacuated due to civil unrest) Dr. Lisa Labita Woodson’s path to global health research began somewhat by accident. Initially she aspired to be a poet or an ecologist. Her journey took a dramatic turn after she joined the Peace Corps (Nepal 2004). Assigned as a science teacher to Nepal, she witnessed a tragic joint suicide of one of her students and their partner, which was due to an out-of-wedlock pregnancy. This experience compelled Woodson to seek mental health consultations and reproductive health education for her students. She . . .

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2024 Peace Corps Writers’ Poetry Award Winner

    I Am a Fact Not a Fiction: Selected Poems Edward Mycue (Ghana 1961-63)   San Francisco poet Edward Mycue was born in Niagara Falls, New York, and raised in Texas. He was a Lowell Fellow at Boston University Graduate School of Public Relations and Communications, a WGBH-TV Boston intern, a Macdowell Colony Fellow, a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana, editor at the Norton Coker Press, and he taught American Literature at the International Peoples College in Elsinore, Denmark. He has had 18 books or chapbooks published. His poems appear in multiple anthologies and journals. I Am a Fact Not a Fiction is a selection of poems culled from three areas of interest: War and Peace, Life / Time Memory, and History.  . . .  “The precision of Ed Mycue’s dreamscape is laser-sharp and as warm as chocolate. Images rush pell-mell across the page, jumbling and tossing each other aside as one . . .

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