Archive - August 3, 2024

Lisa Einstein (Guinea) | at Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Lisa Einstein (Guinea) | A Poem About Teaching
Steve Kaffen (Russia) writes from The Olympics

Lisa Einstein (Guinea) | at Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

RPCVs in the news    CISA names Lisa Einstein as Chief AI Officer CISA said Thursday the appointment reflects the agency’s commitment to advancing the responsible use of AI to meet its cyber defense mission and assist critical infrastructure operators and owners in pursuing the secure and safe development and adoption of AI tools. CISA Director Jen Easterly said Einstein has played a central role in helping the agency understand and respond to rapid AI advancements, which have significant implications for CISA’s critical infrastructure security and cyber defense missions. “Beyond her technical expertise, she’s an inspirational leader who has brought together colleagues across the agency around a clear and impactful vision. I could not be more thrilled to have her take on this important new role, which will help us continue to build AI expertise into the fabric of our agency and ensure we are equipped to effectively leverage the . . .

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Lisa Einstein (Guinea) | A Poem About Teaching

  August 14, 2017 A volunteer explains — with poetry — why teaching physics to girls in Guinea, west Africa is so important to her By Lisa Einstein (Guinea 2016-18) This article was published in Scientific American’s former blog network and reflects the views of the author, not necessarily those of Scientific American  . . .    I sat on the porch in my village of farms, When a young girl approached me, a babe in her arms. We started to talk, though a lot went unspoken. Her words were Pular and her French, it was broken. I asked her what grade she was in and she scoffed. “Failed the Brevet so dad married me off. The class all must pass this exam to continue To high school. I didn’t, in take 1 or take 2. Mon mari, il est vieux, an old man I don’t see. And now with this child? . . .

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Steve Kaffen (Russia) writes from The Olympics

  It’s my tenth day in Paris and eighth day since the Olympics began. Residents have left town on vacation, many after renting out their homes and apartments. They have been replaced by a world of visitors. Some 45,000 volunteers, for the Olympics and the Paralympics, are everywhere, in metro stations, on street corners, and near sports venues carrying big cardboard hands with fingers pointing in the venue’s direction.  If they don’t know the answer, they look it up on their cell phones or they ask a colleague, and rarely do they improvise a response. They have set a standard of excellence for the volunteers of the USA’s upcoming World Cup to meet and best. Police are omnipresent, on most corners and clustered in the streets and in and outside the sports venues, carrying machine guns. It’s daunting at first, but after a while they become invisible. I have 15 . . .

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