Archive - June 25, 2024

We Make It Into Worldview Magazine!
Peace Corps Pioneers

We Make It Into Worldview Magazine!

  The current issue of Worldview (Spring/Summer 2024) has an article by Beatrice Hogan (Uzbekistan 1992-94) entitled Common Cause. It is about RPCVs who have built communities around issues and affinities. We were selected to be profiled. Thank you, Beatrice!   Peace Corps Worldwide Friends since their Peace Corps days together, John Coyne and Marian Haley Beil (Ethiopia 1962–64) together produce the blog Peace Corps Worldwide and the Peace Corps Writers imprint. Their efforts lie at the heart of the Third Goal of the Peace Corps —  bring the world back home — and they’ve helped hundreds of writers tell their stories and publish their work. “RPCVs are the ones who tell the real story of the Peace Corps,” Coyne said. “They tell of their experiences in essays, articles, short stories, and memoirs. Stories that are the true historical documents of the agency.” Coyne and Beil’s collaboration began in the . . .

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Peace Corps Pioneers

Photographed By Dave Buchanan, 2024 Peace Corps Pioneers Marker – 1 Inscription In 1961 President John F. Kennedy established the US Peace Corps, concept originally proposed by Minnesota Senator Hubert H. Humphrey. The Peace Corps was created from the President’s call to “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” Among the first Peace Corps Volunteers answering the President’s call in 1962 and completing their tours in 1964 were Plainview area residents: Kenneth Fliés serving in Brazil, Philip Mahle in Sierra Leone, Walter Mischke in Venezuela and Charles Rheingans in Thailand. “I was present at the creation, when the bright flame of conviction took hold in the imagination of the country and the Peace Corps became a promise fulfilled.” – Journalist Bill Moyers In 1962 there were some 25,000 incorporated cities and towns in America, many with populations in the tens . . .

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