Archive - June 21, 2024

PEACE CORPS VICTIM by Patrick Shea (Georgia)
2024 Peace Corps Writers Best Peace Corps Memoir Award Winner!

PEACE CORPS VICTIM by Patrick Shea (Georgia)

  Peace Corps Victim: A Peace Corps Volunteer Story of Trauma and Betrayal Patrick Shea (Georgia 2016-17 —  Medically Separated) Friesen Press 258 pages $21.99 (Paperback); $ 9.99 (Kindle); $35.99 (Hardcover) • • • Witness the harrowing true story of an idealistic American Volunteer who ventured into the heart of Eastern Europe with the honorable intention of serving in the United States Peace Corps. What awaited him in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia was a nightmare difficult to comprehend. Struggling to aid the people he came to help, he found himself targeted by those he least expected, nearly killed by locals, assaulted by a fellow volunteer, and ensnared in a web of psychological manipulation orchestrated by a Peace Corps Country Director with sinister ties to military intelligence and the CIA. As he battled to uphold the values he believed in, he encountered a shocking reality: the Peace Corps, an institution revered . . .

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2024 Peace Corps Writers Best Peace Corps Memoir Award Winner!

  Taking the Plunge Into Ethiopia: Tales of a Peace Corps Volunteer by William L. Hershey (Ethiopia 1968-70)   William Hershey  served as the only Peace Corps Volunteer in the small Ethiopian town of Dabat. He taught seventh and eighth grade students the English that they would need to continue their educations and brighten their futures. He became part of the community, eating the local food and doing his best to communicate in Amharic. He also navigated cultural gaffes — having his house stoned by disgruntled students angered at being assigned to clean the outhouses; and nearly sparking international trouble by clashing with a player from a rival school during a heated basketball game. Decades later as a journalist, he used his once-in-a-lifetime Peace Corps experience to reflect on immigration, global goodwill and the hope the United States should share with the rest of the world. • • •  William Hershey spent . . .

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