Saving the Planet by Kathleen Coskran (Ethiopia)
Saving the Planet By Kathleen Coskran (Ethiopia 1965-67) The title of the Westminster Town Hall Forum in Minneapolis was “Can We Save Our Planet?” The speaker, Carl Pope, former Executive Director and Chairman of the Sierra Club, was asked, “What can we do to halt the population explosion that threatens the planet?” Pope’s answer: “Educate girls.” I nearly jumped out of my chair to shout, YES! I had recently returned from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where I attended a gathering of 130 girls and young women, some still in secondary school, and others who had been able to finish secondary school and go on to college and university because of Resources for the Enrichment of African Lives (REAL, REAL was founded by Tsehai Wodajo, from Nedjo, Ethiopia. Tsehai knew first hand what it took to keep a girl from a poor family in school. In 1970, 8th grader Tsehai wrote . . .
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Thank you for a REAL report, Kathleen. The work that you, Chuck, Ann Chartrand Jensen, Kathleen Moore, and others did…