Former Peace Corps General Counsel reacts to “5 Peace Corps Scandals”
William Josephson writes….. Five Peace Corps scandals could have benefited from some fact checking, editing and consultation. The overall impression is that they are characteristic. They are not. They occurred over a very long period of time. “Scandal” is a misnomer in many of these cases. The Kate Puzey 2011 murder is so well known that it engendered a congressional reaction, and the Peace Corps’ continuing efforts to develop effective policies that reduce Peace Corps volunteer sexual harassment or worse. The death of the PCV wife of a Tanganyikan PCV dates to my 1960s time as Peace Corps General Counsel. Not so incidentally, the husband’s verdict was “not proven,” not not guilty. The Scottish system of three verdicts, guilty, not guilty, not proven, was followed there at that time. The Tonga killing occurred in 1977. Sex would seem to have been a, or the, motive. Tragic it was, . . .
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Sue Castle
I came across this article by chance. How surprised I am to see such flippant remarks addressing the circumstances of…