Archive - January 13, 2022

New book about Martin Luther King features PC’s Director Sargent Shriver and CD Harris Wofford (Ethiopia)

New book about Martin Luther King features PC’s Director Sargent Shriver and CD Harris Wofford (Ethiopia)

  Nine Days: The Race to Save Martin Luther King Jr.’s Life and Win the 1960 Election  Martin Luther King Jr. faced a harrowing nine days in a dangerous prison in 1960. In his book, GW Alum Paul  Kendrick tells how King’s ordeal changed politics as we know it. • A review by John DiConsiglio,  January 11, 2022, GWToday   In October 1960, a 31-year-old Martin Luther King Jr. not yet the civil rights icon who would inspire a nation, agreed to join a student sit-in at an Atlanta department store. King, who had never yet spent a night in jail, knew he faced a possible arrest. But the reality was even more harrowing. While the students were taken to local jails, King was transferred to a dangerous Georgia state prison where Black inmates endured violence by white guards. Just weeks before the presidential election, King’s ordeal was the ultimate “October . . .

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