Archive - July 1, 2021

10 New books by Peace Corps writers: May–June 2021
WHAT’S YOUR FORMULA? by Brian Washburn (Paraguay)

10 New books by Peace Corps writers: May–June 2021

To purchase any of these books from — CLICK on the book cover, the bold book title, or the publishing format you would like — and Peace Corps Worldwide, an Amazon Associate, will receive a small remittance from your purchase that will help support the site and the annual Peace Corps Writers awards. We now include a one-sentence description  for the books listed here in hopes of encouraging readers  1) to order a book and 2) to VOLUNTEER TO REVIEW IT. See a book you’d like to review for Peace Corps Worldwide? Send a note to Marian at, and we’ll send you a copy along with a few instructions. • Life as a Peace Corps Volunteer Ethiopia and Eritrea, 1972-74 Michael Banister (Ethiopia 1972-74) Self Published 149 pages May 2021 $4.99 (Kindle); $7.99 (Paperback) A collection of aerogrammes, letters and memoirs by Michael Banister about his Peace Corps experience in Ethiopia and Eritrea in 1972-74. • Riverblindness . . .

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WHAT’S YOUR FORMULA? by Brian Washburn (Paraguay)

  Engaging, effective training programs are a mixture of science and art, requiring the right balance of adult learning theory, available technology, intuitive tools, proven practices, creativity, and risk. How does a trainer find the right combination and proportion of these elements? How does a trainer know what’s possible? To answer these questions, Brian Washburn (Paraguay 1998-2000) offers a simple yet elegant periodic table of learning elements modeled on the original periodic table of chemical properties in What’s Your Formula? Combine Learning Elements for Impactful Training . Washburn’s elements — which are organized into solids, liquids, gases, radioactive, and interactive categories similar to their chemical cousins — are metaphors for the tools and strategies of the field of learning design; when they’re combined, and under certain conditions, they have the potential to create amazing learning experiences for participants. They are that impactful. From critical gas-like elements like the air we breathe, . . .

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